Bartlett House

Ludgershall, Wiltshire


We are working with Wiltshire Council to develop proposals for 18no. affordable homes on the site of the former Bartlett House Care Home, Ludgershall. The project includes a mix of 1,2,3 and 4-bed units, providing a mixture of social rent and shared ownership properties. 

Homes will be designed as zero carbon, reducing the energy demand and being cheaper to run, supporting the Council’s aim to make Wiltshire carbon neutral by 2030. 

In response to the government agenda to increase the use of off-site manufacturing, it is expected that these homes will be constructed by a Dorset based firm and transported as modules for assembly on-site. This will reduce the amount of construction traffic to the site and reduce the build time. 

The scheme incorporates open space and informal play alongside surface level, sustainable drainage systems aimed at highlighting how surface water is managed within the development. 

A full planning application was submitted to Wiltshire Council in September 2023.